Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tales from One Longfellow Square, Part 2

Well, this time there was no de-pantsing, guys peeing in bushes, pop icon deaths or even Paul Simon driveway performances in the wee hours of the morning. What there was, was a really awesome show.

The description on the One Longfellow Square site quoted the Portland Phoenix as writing, "Portland has the biggest crush on Pete Kilpatrick"... and why not? He's adorable. He's also a very entertaining performer, whether he was playing his songs accompanied only by his own guitar, or sharing his lovely sense of humor. Plus, he threw a line from a classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory song into one of his own (*sings* Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination...) can you not love that?

Maia Sharp is my hero. She's a great songwriter, has a lovely voice, and accompanies her singing with her guitar, or sometimes keyboard, on occasion pausing to pull out a soprano sax and wailing away on it. Not only this, but she connects with her audience. It's no wonder she received such adoration from the crowd. She even taught us the importance of leaving your audience with a major triad at the end of a melancholy song.

Whenever I think of singer-songwriters, such as these two acts, I think of a quote from one of my very favorites, Elliott Smith. He pointed out that one person might look at a photo of New York and think it looked very depressing and frightening, while another might think about all the fun things you can do in New York; songs are kind of like that. Check out that quote and a beautiful performance of Waltz #2 here:

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