Thursday, April 22, 2010

A few thoughts on Clash of the Titans 2010

-Dear Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson: So what is it we were thinking, gentlemen? Was the paycheck really worth the resultant loss of self-respect?

-Mr. Neeson rather looks like he is ready to lead a Greek god glam band.

-Is this the kraken we are releasing, or was he unavailable and forced to send Gamera as a replacement?

-Speaking of the kraken, if this scene is prominently advertised in the trailers while promoting the 3D experience, I want that thing roaring right in my face. This did not happen. This is actually a film that would benefit from being viewed in dazzling 2D. I have now wasted an extra $3 and I got a weird indentation on the bridge of my nose from these stylin’ glasses.

-I’m having difficulty with the fact that a production this expensive still feels campy.

-I suppose my expectations should have been lower considering the best tagline they could come up with was "Titans Will Clash".

-Really, Perseus, you should have taken the mechanical owl.

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