Sunday, August 2, 2009

That's not cool

I just have to comment on a couple things that have lost some of their luster for me due to their use in other forms of pop culture.

The first came to me as I was doing my discourse on Twilight in my recent posts. I have a real affection for the band Muse; I saw them open for My Chemical Romance in Tampa a few years back (great show, by the way), and found them to be perhaps the best live band I'd seen. Then Stephenie Meyer comes along and names them as a main inspiration for big portions of the Twilight series. Not only this, but Supermassive Black Hole, a highly awesome tune, was used in the baseball scene of the Twilight movie. It will never be quite the same for me. Thanks a lot, Stephenie Meyer.

Some years back, my dad and stepmom went to see a Broadway production of Mamma Mia. As a souvenir, they brought me back a little black t-shirt with the logo in silver across the chest. At the time, it was a fun, kind of obscure garment that I enjoyed wearing. Then the movie came along, complete with the abomination of Pierce Brosnan singing. Now I feel a little like a dweeb when I wear it. (Although, stubbornly, I still do anyway.) Thanks a lot, Universal Studios.


  1. Regarding your first post--sorry for my ignorance--what's a dobro? I know that I could Google it but I'd rather have you tell me :)

    And Mamma Mia...yeah.

  2. My friend, Andrew, and me were talking about stuff like this. I had been wondering why I seem to have lost my appreciation of irony, just when wearing ironic t-shirts and being all hipstery is in vogue. Andrew likened it to when your favorite indie band gets signed to a major label.

    I think whenever anything is obscure and loved by you, you feel its yours. When it becomes famous, it's, in a way, stolen from you.
