Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dogs... Gorillas... what?

Last night I was innocently watching some television and playing on the computer when I was assaulted by images from another surreal movie trailer (I'm sure we all remember the guinea pigs outfitted in spy gear... I'm still recovering from that one). I'm of the opinion that you need to see it for yourself before reading my reactions to it. Go ahead. I'll wait.


Now, since I was also using the computer at the time, my attention was somewhat diverted, so the thought process went something like this:
-Hey, slapstick! Kid getting hit in the face with a soccer ball. *giggle*
-Robin Williams.. hit or miss. Looks like it might be one of his over-the-top roles.
-Aw, John Travolta. I really try to just block out the memory of Battlefield Earth due to the soft spot I've had for him since childhood. Plus, he shot Marvin in the face.
-Yay! Seth Green!
-...did I just see... is that... is he...? Seth Green is singing All Out of Love in the arms of a gorilla. Let me repeat that. Seth Green is singing All Out of Love in the arms of a gorilla. I think I need to check and verify that there is only one empty beer bottle sitting on the counter right now.

First guinea pigs, now gorillas. I think the film production companies are trying to make me doubt my own sanity (such as it is). Please feel free to share your impressions of this cinematic curiosity... once the shock wears off...

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the penguins and gorilla are likely the best part of the movie. Williams as a zany dad who no doubt learns an important life lesson thanks to his two preconscious children. … Feels like chili that's been reheated too many times. The smells' not bad, but when you bite into it, it's dry and flavorless. If the trailer is a string of a film's highlights, and getting hit with a golf ball in the crotch is a highlight … well …
